Monday, July 14, 2008

Felicia Conquered Her Fears

I Conquered my fears by taking pictures of the giant wasps nest in our back yard. My Dad helped me. He taught me how close to get and how to use manual focus. The first one was really bad. So I had to get a lot closer. It was a lot better but not good enough. I stepped a lot closer. Then I clicked really fast it was all blurred. So I took one slow. I was so happy that I took a good one, I ran in to tell Mom.
This is one of the good pictures that I took. I had to get really close and zoom in. It was really scary, but I did it. This is when I conquered my fear. But the picture was still focused on the fence.
I had to use manual focus on this one so that it wouldn't focus on the fence. I had to put my hand really close to the hive. This was my best one! So I ran in to tell Mom. She was so happy with me!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I sent your info onto Darren, here's his email address
Glad we could help connect you two.