On Friday, my dad took me to get my ears pierced! I wasn't nervous at home, but once we got in the car, I got butterflies in my stomach. Once we were in the mall, my hands started to shake, And once I was on the chair, My teeth started to chatter! I got to choose my earrings, and I chose the Sapphire Daisy, since sapphire is my birthstone. When I was sitting on the chair, ready to get my ears pierced, Dad kept talking to the lady about how earrings are supposed to be lined up when you look at them. Finally, the lady said 1...2....3! And shot something through my ear! It didn't feel so great, but better than I thought it would. She said that I would have to clean them 3 times a day, and I couldn't change them until 6 weeks, and 6 weeks is my birthday!!!!!!!!